Lee Klinger, CPA

Managing Partner

With over thirty-four years of accounting experience, Lee Klinger has been the managing partner of Klinger & Klinger since 1994. He oversees all operations at the firm and leads tax planning & consulting projects. Prior to joining the firm, Lee had worked at Peat Marwick in their Internation Tax Department. Should he ever be out of the office, Lee can be found skiing, golfing, or playing ball with his best boy, Sukii.

Lee received his undergraduate degree from the University of Maryland College Park in 1988, his MBA from Long Island University in 1992, and has been a NY licensed CPA since 1994.

Sandra Gaitan Martes

Senior Manager of Taxation

Sandra Gaitan is a senior manager of taxation, specializing in personal income and corporate income, payroll, & sales tax preparation for the firm. She has been with Klinger & Klinger for over 15 years.

After hours, she spends time with her husband Henry, and her two sons, Nico & Mati.

Sandra is an accredited Public Accounting professional & Enrolled Agent before the Internal Revenue Service.

Sukii Klinger

The Real Boss

Sukii "Bear" Klinger is the company mascot, specializing in being exceptionally cute. Sukii oversees all kitchen operations at the office. He has been working for the firm for nine years. When Sukii is not sleeping, he can be seen in Central Park wowing crowds while they watch him play frisbee.

Sukii received his Barklors degree in food consumption in 2016 & his Masters in Cuteness in 2017 from Canine University.

Heng “Alice” Tang, CPA

Senior Manager of Audit & Attestation

Alice Tang is the senior audit and attestation specialist at Klinger & Klinger. She is an extremely experienced auditor who conducts certified audits, reviews of financial statements, agreed upon procedures for our corporate clientele. Alice spends her free time with her family and going to the theater.

Alice holds a Master’s degree in both Accounting and Taxation, and has been a NY licensed CPA since 2017.

Laura Gomez Martinez

Staff Accountant

Laura Gomez has been a staff accountant at Klinger & Klinger for the past five years performing tax preparation, bookkeeping, and accounting support of all kinds for our clients. Laura received her Bachelor's degree from CUNY Bernard Baruch College in 2023. In her free time, she's enjoys spending time with her family, watching movies, & playing with her two furry boys, Israel and Ivory.

Laura is currently preparing to sit for her CPA exam, which she expects to take in the Spring of 2025.

Katelyn Cathcart

Office Manager

Katelyn Cathcart is our office manager and the glue that binds us together. She enjoys positive client interaction. She is extremely efficient in embracing new technology.

She heads up our office technology, regulatory compliance, and quality control. Katie enjoys summer lunches on our terrace, time spent with her family and loved ones, and playing with her parents’ dog, Eve.

Katelyn studied Anthropology at George Mason University and is serving as a New York State Notary Public.

3-D X-ray

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Functional diagnostics

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Ceramic implants

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Klinger & Klinger, LLP.

Full-service accounting boutique in the heart of Manhattan.


370 Lexington Avenue
Suite 2008
New York, NY 10017


212.661.6200 Phone
646.370.6150 Fax
[email protected]

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